Explore the top 5 international grant providers and learn how to apply effectively. Discover best practices and avoid common mistakes for your nonprofit.
Discover the 14 best nonprofit bookkeeping software solutions for 2024. Compare options, features & pricing to streamline your organization's financial management.
Explore the top 10 nonprofit revenue streams and actionable steps to diversify income sources. Drive sustainable growth with these proven strategies.
Strengthen your nonprofit's funding efforts with the top 15 grant writing certification programs. Craft compelling proposals and win essential grants.
Learn about board roles, effective practices, and governance models in our nonprofit governance guide. Build accountability systems that protect your mission.
Learn everything you need to know in order to start a nonprofit organization in Arkansas, including creating bylaws, recruiting directors, and applying for an EIN.
Learn everything you need to know in order to start a nonprofit organization in South Carolina, including creating bylaws, recruiting directors, and applying for an EIN.
Learn everything you need to know in order to start a nonprofit organization in Oregon, including creating bylaws, recruiting directors, and applying for an EIN.
Explore 11 key operational grants for nonprofits that can bolster your organization's stability, fund essential expenses, and drive long-term growth.
Celebrate National Volunteer Week with 6 creative ideas to express appreciation for your volunteers, boost engagement, and build lasting relationships.
Discover the best nonprofit startup grants available to help launch your organization. Learn how to secure essential funding and start making an impact.
Learn the basics of nonprofit donor cultivation to thrive in this space. Discover essential steps and key strategies to build lasting donor relationships.
Learn how to organize a calendar fundraiser, from planning to execution. Discover strategies to maximize profits and engage supporters with a calendar fundraiser.
Maximize the potential of your nonprofit’s year-end giving campaign with a comprehensive guide, actionable strategies, and real campaign examples to close the year on a high note.
Text-to-give is a simple way for nonprofits to accept donations via mobile. Explore the benefits, setup process, and expert tips to streamline mobile giving.
Discover the essential skills and key responsibilities of a nonprofit bookkeeper. Find a sample job template to help guide your hiring process.
Discover 9 popular foundation grants for nonprofits. Get expert tips and resources on how to get grant funding for your nonprofit organization.
Looking for government-funded opportunities? Explore our guide on government grants. Learn about their benefits, top programs, and where to find them.
A nonprofit vice president plays an active role in making strategic decisions for your organization. Explore the key skills, responsibilities, and salary of a VP.
Learn the secrets of successful nonprofit crowdfunding campaigns! Explore 10 game-changing campaigns and learn how to supercharge your fundraising efforts.