Step 1
Create your auction form.
List your items, add images and descriptions, determine the minimum price and bidding increment.
Host an auction for freeStart your nonprofit
Step 2
Share your auction with participants.
Share your link online or print a QR code for in-person auction. Participants can simply click or scan to start bidding—no app needed!
Host an auction for freeStart your nonprofit
Step 3
Build the hype with outbid notifications.
If they get outbid, participants will receive an notification email and will be prompted to bid more on the auction form.
Host an auction for freeStart your nonprofit
Step 4
Collect payments automatically.
Once your auction closes, winners’ credit cards are charged automatically—no need to chase down payments.
Start your nonprofitHost an auction for freeStep 5
Collect payments automatically.
Once your auction closes, winners’ credit cards are charged automatically—no need to chase down payments.
Host an auction for freeStart your nonprofit