
Step 1
Create your raffle form.
Customize the experience with multiple ticket bundles, prize descriptions, logos, colors, and images.
Sell raffle tickets for freeStart your nonprofitStep 2
Let participants buy tickets.
Share your form online with your supporters. They can use their favorite payment method to buy tickets.
Start your nonprofitSell raffle tickets for free
Step 3
Generate tickets automatically.
Each ticket has a unique number and shows the buyer’s info. Tickets are automatically emailed to the participants.
Sell raffle tickets for freeStart your nonprofit
Step 4
Keep track of participants and draw the winner.
Monitor participants, tickets, and more. When sales close, you can draw a winner from the list.
Sell raffle tickets for freeStart your nonprofit
Step 5
Keep 100% of the money.
You will receive the entirety of your funds in your weekly payout. We have never charged a cent to nonprofits, and we never will.
Sell raffle tickets for freeStart your nonprofit