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August 1, 2024

After switching from Givebutter to Zeffy, Prairie Classical saved over $800 and found a 100% free fundraising partner.

Amount raised
Amount Saved
Written by
Shelbi Polk

Prairie Classical's Mission

Prairie Classica’s Mission is easy to summarize: “Music is the Best Medicine!” They host concerts in Kansas led by world-class musicians, with the assistance of local youth interested in music.

“Prairie Classical's mission is to provide joy and healing to communities with fun, spirited, and top-notch music by engaging with world-class artists and local talent, all while working alongside youth to give them a chance to collaborate on a professional level with artists of the highest caliber, ensuring a life-changing, inspiring, and positive educational experience for all.”


Destiny Ann Mermagen had her first taste of music education and classical performance during a troubled time in her childhood. She credits the growth and positive reinforcement she received in these sessions with saving her. They certainly set the direction of her future. 

Now a concert violinist and classical music radio host, Mermagen also founded Prairie Classical to offer youth in Kansas the same opportunity she had as a child. She recruits top tier musicians to play alongside students, and she’s consistently delighted with the quality of music the students contribute to their concerts. 

“Your jaw will drop at how good they sound. Not only do we work with world-class professionals, but we also aspire to help these students sound world-class, too.” Destiny Ann Mermagen

Mermagen believes that music is more than just a pleasant pastime. It’s a vehicle for empathy and community building that she believes has the power to reconnect an increasingly insular society.

“Music develops the capacity for empathy more than any other medium, which is essential for young people and society as a whole. (Especially right now!) That's why I say, ‘Music is the Best Medicine!’” Destiny Ann Mermagen
saved with Zeffy
An entire extra concert

Challenges before switching to Zeffy

Unfortunately, classical music is not an art form with low overhead. In addition to covering the time spent teaching students, Mermagen needed to keep instruments, venues, travel, and formal stagewear in mind. She fundraised relentlessly, across several social media and fundraising platforms. 

Finally, Mermagen landed on Givebutter. It was the sixth fundraising service she’d tried, and she was excited to feel like she was done searching. Mermagen was thrilled to have a free platform… But then the fees started rolling in. Mermagen jokes that the real fee structure eluded her, despite her many accomplishments.

“I was very upset that Givebutter made it sound like they didn’t take fees…only to read the fine print! I felt a bit tricked, despite my high IQ and fine-print-reading level, lol!” Destiny Ann Mermagen

Not only did the fees cut into the funds Mermagen raised, she felt deceived by Givebutter’s promises of fee-less fundraising, not to mention frustrated by a needlessly complex backend and lack of substantive customer support. 

> Compare Givebutter with Zeffy (The only 100% free fundraising software for nonprofits)

The 100% free solution

Her disappointment sent Mermagen back into a research session. She found lots of big promises from other fundraising platforms, but Mermagen was more suspicious this time. She signed up for several fundraising services, including Zeffy. The top contender was quickly evident.

“I signed up for a few others just to try them out. I was most impressed with you all, so I would say Zeffy convinced me!” Destiny Ann Mermagen

Features used


Make giving easy with customizable forms.

Offer your website visitors an efficient and intuitive way to give to your cause.

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Peer-to-peer campaigns

Help your community fundraise for you.

Make it easy for your community to participate in your fundraising efforts.

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Sell and manage tickets to your events.

Sell more tickets for your next fundraising event with frictionless ticketing forms.

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Open an online store for your nonprofit.

Diversify your fundraising by opening on online store for your nonprofit.

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Raffles & Lotteries

Host a raffle at your next event.

Easily launch a raffle with our numbered ticketing options.

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Gather and monitor bids for your items, no fees attached.

Diversify your fundraising by inviting your donors to bid on items.

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Turn your supporters into members

Make it easy for your supporters to register as a member to your cause.

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Donor management

Manage and engage your donors.

Diversify your fundraising by inviting your donEngage with the right donors at the right time with seamless donor management.ors to bid on items.

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When she started fundraising with Zeffy, Mermagen immediately noted the differences. Mermagen raised over $16,000 with Zeffy, which would have cost her over $800 in fees with other fundraising software. And thanks to those savings, Mermagen was able to fund an entire extra concert in the 2023-2024 season, offering more children the opportunity to contribute to their community while practicing their classical performance skills. Mermagen was so delighted by Zeffy’s fee-free model that she’s become an evangelist for the platform. 

“The fact that you all don't take fees is HUGE. I'm hoping my other side job at Kansas Public Radio will take on Zeffy as their official donor platform.” Destiny Ann Mermagen

And while she can’t say enough about the free fundraising, Mermagen is also excited to simply have found a platform she can trust. With Zeffy, Mermagen knows she has a partner dedicated to helping Prairie Classical help develop empathy through music education, not another app trying to make money off of her charitable efforts. 

"Running a nonprofit can feel incredibly lonely sometimes, and the platforms that claim to help us are often not truly our partners. Still, with Zeffy, I genuinely feel like I have an ally rooting for me, and that's remarkable for a digital platform!"  Destiny Ann Mermagen