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Nonprofit guides

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan

June 21, 2024

What is a nonprofit business plan?

In simple terms, a nonprofit business plan is your organization’s roadmap to success. It’s a comprehensive document that outlines your nonprofit’s goals, strategies, and action plans for achieving its mission. Just like a GPS guides you to your destination, a well-crafted business plan guides your nonprofit toward its vision of a better world.

Do I need a nonprofit business plan?

A nonprofit business plan is more than just an additional tool—it’s an essential part of any nonprofit. A business plan: 

Guides your organization: A nonprofit business plan serves as your organization’s compass, guiding you toward your goals. It provides clarity on what you want to achieve and how you’ll get there. Without a plan, you’re like a ship adrift at sea—directionless and vulnerable to the whims of the waves.

Facilitates strategy: A well-crafted plan helps you make informed decisions about resource allocation, program development, fundraising strategies, and more.

Promotes accountability: When donors, volunteers, and community members invest their time, money, and trust in your organization, they want to know their efforts aren’t going to waste. A nonprofit business plan demonstrates your commitment to achieving results and holds you accountable to stakeholders. It’s your promise to deliver on your mission and make a meaningful impact in the world.

Supports sustainability:  Economic downturns, shifts in public opinion, and evolving community needs can all impact your organization’s ability to thrive. A nonprofit business plan helps you anticipate and navigate these challenges, ensuring your organization remains resilient and sustainable for the long haul.

The 10-Step guide on writing a business plan for nonprofits

Crafting a business plan for your nonprofit organization is a crucial step toward success. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step, providing actionable insights and tips to help you create a robust plan that sets your nonprofit up for success.

Step 1: Clarify your mission 

Your mission and vision are the heart and soul of your nonprofit. Start by defining your mission statement—what you do and why it matters. Then, articulate your vision statement, outlining the future you aspire to create. Be concise, compelling, and specific.

Gather your team and brainstorm ideas to refine your mission and vision statements. Consider what sets your organization apart and how you envision making a difference.

Step 2: Conduct a needs assessment

Understanding the needs of your community or target audience is essential for designing effective programs and services. Conduct thorough research, engage with stakeholders, and gather data to identify the most pressing issues you aim to address.

To do this, create a needs assessment survey or conduct interviews with community members, partners, and experts. Analyze the data to prioritize the most significant needs your organization can address.

Step 3: Define your goals 

Set clear, measurable goals that align with your mission and address the identified needs. Break down each goal into specific objectives, outlining the steps you’ll take to achieve them. Use the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—to ensure your goals are realistic and actionable.

Host a goal-setting workshop with your team to brainstorm and prioritize objectives. Use a goal-setting framework like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to ensure alignment and accountability.

Step 4: Outline your programs 

Describe the programs and services your nonprofit will offer to address the identified needs. Define the goals, activities, target audience, and expected outcomes of each program. Consider how your programs will complement each other and work together to achieve your overall mission.

Step 5: Develop a marketing and outreach plan

Create a marketing and outreach plan to raise awareness about your organization and attract supporters, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Define your target audience, messaging, channels, and tactics for reaching and engaging key stakeholders.

To do this, conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to assess your organization’s marketing and outreach capabilities. Develop a marketing calendar with key milestones and campaigns to guide your efforts.

Step 6: Create a financial plan

Develop a detailed budget and financial projections for your nonprofit. Identify potential revenue streams, such as grants, donations, fundraising events, membership fees, and earned income. Estimate expenses for staffing, programs, operations, and overhead costs.

Step 7: Establish governance and management structure

Define your nonprofit's organizational structure, including leadership roles, board of directors, staff positions, and volunteer management. Clarify responsibilities, decision-making processes, and lines of authority to ensure effective governance and management.

Action: Review and update your bylaws, policies, and procedures to reflect your organization’s current needs and goals. Provide board orientation and training to ensure board members understand their roles and responsibilities.

Step 8: Consider risks 

Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact your organization’s ability to achieve its goals. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure the sustainability of your nonprofit. Consider risks related to funding, operations, legal compliance, reputation, and external factors.

Step 9: Monitor and evaluate 

Establish systems for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of your programs and operations. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track progress towards your goals. Regularly review and update your business plan based on feedback and results.

Step 10: Communicate your plan 

Share your business plan with stakeholders, including board members, staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and the community. Solicit feedback, build buy-in, and encourage collaboration toward achieving your nonprofit’s mission and vision. Use various communication channels and platforms to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.

To do this, you might host a launch event or town hall meeting to present your business plan to stakeholders and answer questions. Develop a communications plan to ensure consistent messaging and updates across all channels.

Essential nonprofit business plan elements

  • Mission and vision: Clearly define the nonprofit's purpose and long-term goals.
  • Needs assessment: Identify the needs of the community or target audience your nonprofit serves.
  • Programs and services: Describe the programs and services your nonprofit offers to address identified needs.
  • Marketing and outreach: Develop strategies to raise awareness and attract supporters, volunteers, and beneficiaries.
  • Financial plan: Create a budget and financial projections, outlining revenue sources and expenses.
  • Governance and management: Establish the organizational structure and define roles and responsibilities.
  • Risk management: Identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Set up systems to track progress and evaluate program effectiveness.
  • Communication and engagement: Share your business plan with stakeholders and engage them in your nonprofit's work.
  • Executive summary: Provide a concise overview of the nonprofit and its key objectives.

Nonprofit business plan template

1. Executive Summary

  • Mission Statement: [Briefly describe your nonprofit's mission and vision.]
  • Objectives: [List the key objectives your nonprofit aims to achieve.]
  • Strategies: [Summarize the strategies and tactics your nonprofit will use to achieve its objectives.]
  • Financial Overview: [Provide an overview of your nonprofit's financial projections and funding needs.]

2. Organization Description

  • Mission Statement: [State your nonprofit's mission.]
  • Vision Statement: [Outline your nonprofit's vision for the future.]
  • History: [Briefly describe the history and background of your nonprofit.]
  • Legal Structure: [Specify the legal structure of your nonprofit (e.g., 501(c)(3) status).]
  • Governance: [Describe the governance structure of your nonprofit, including the board of directors and leadership team.]

3. Needs Assessment

  • Community Needs: [Identify the needs of the community or target audience your nonprofit serves.]
  • Data and Research: [Provide data and research supporting the identified needs.]
  • Program Impact: [Explain how your nonprofit addresses the identified needs and the impact of its programs.]

4. Programs and Services

  • Program Descriptions: [Describe the programs and services your nonprofit offers, including goals, objectives, and outcomes.]
  • Logic Models: [Include logic models or theory of change diagrams for each program.]

5. Marketing and Outreach Plan

  • Target Audience: [Define your nonprofit's target audience.]
  • Messaging: [Outline the messaging and branding strategies for your nonprofit.]
  • Marketing Channels: [List the marketing channels and tactics you will use to reach your target audience.]

6. Financial Plan

  • Budget: [Provide a detailed budget for your nonprofit, including income and expenses.]
  • Financial Projections: [Include financial projections for the next three to five years.]
  • Revenue Streams: [Identify potential revenue streams, such as grants, donations, and fundraising events.]

7. Governance and Management

  • Organizational Structure: [Describe the organizational structure of your nonprofit, including the board of directors, staff positions, and volunteer management.]
  • Roles and Responsibilities: [Clarify the roles and responsibilities of board members, staff, and volunteers.]

8. Risk Management

  • Risk Identification: [Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact your nonprofit's operations.]
  • Risk Mitigation: [Develop strategies to mitigate the identified risks and ensure the sustainability of your nonprofit.]

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Key Performance Indicators: [Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track progress toward your nonprofit's objectives.]
  • Evaluation Framework: [Establish an evaluation framework for assessing program effectiveness and impact.]

10. Communication and Engagement

  • Stakeholder Communication: [Develop a stakeholder communication plan to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.]
  • Engagement Strategies: [Outline strategies for engaging board members, staff, volunteers, donors, and the community in your nonprofit's work.]

Add free fundraising to your nonprofit business plan

Whether you’re a brand new nonprofit looking to get your fundraising up and running, or an established one looking for new tools and features to make even more impact, Zeffy is one of the best all-in-one solutions for all of your nonprofit needs.

From event tracking and management to marketing and engagement tools, custom donation forms, and even the ability to create an online shop or nonprofit membership association, Zeffy offers everything you need without charging a single fee.

Simple and powerful — and packed with free support whenever you need it — Zeffy ensures that your donor’s gifts are going right to the cause, and nowhere else.

Nonprofit Business Plan FAQS

Starting a nonprofit organization with no money requires strategic planning. To cut down on costs, consider: 

  • Using volunteers: Leverage volunteers for administrative, fundraising, or program work, to reduce the need for paid staff.
  • Seeking out in-kind donations and grants: Ask for donations of goods and services from businesses, individuals, or other organizations to support your nonprofit's activities (think office space or equipment). And, research grant opportunities to generate free financial support for your nonprofit's mission.
  • Leveraging partnerships: Look for potential partners, such as other nonprofits or community organizations, who might want to collaborate on shared goals.
  • Taking advantage of free tools and platforms: Be sure to use fundraising and donor engagement tools that are completely free to use, like Zeffy. That way, you’ll never have to worry about hidden fees and can get started making an impact right away — without paying a cent.
  • Start fundraising with Zeffy for free

    Here are some ways nonprofit founders can pay themselves:

  • Salary or wages: Nonprofit founders can receive a salary or hourly wages for their services, similar to employees of the organization.
  • Reimbursement for expenses: Nonprofit founders can be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the course of their duties, such as travel expenses, office supplies, and professional development costs.
  • Consulting or contractual arrangements: Nonprofit founders may enter into consulting or contractual agreements with the organization to provide specific services or expertise on a project basis. 
  • Donor management and fundraising software can support strategic planning in a few ways:

  • Data centralization: Donor management software centralizes donor information for analysis and insights.
  • Targeted engagement: Software enables personalized communication and engagement strategies.
  • Campaign management: Facilitates planning, execution, and tracking of fundraising campaigns.
  • Donor retention: Supports cultivation and stewardship efforts to retain donors.
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