100% Free Fundraising Platform for Nonprofits

Reassure your donors. Their gift doesn’t go to fees.

With Zeffy
They give $100,
You get $100.
With every other platform
They give $100,
You get $96.80 or less.
Learn how we do it

The only 100% free fundraising platform for nonprofits

No transaction fees. No platforms fees. No fees period.
100% free forever. No hidden fees.

The only 100% free fundraising platform for nonprofits

No transaction fees. No platforms fees. No fees period.
100% free forever. No hidden fees.

Trusted by over 50,000 nonprofit organizations

Unlimited fundraising forms. 100% free, always.


credit card fees.

monthly fees.

platform fees.

fees. Period.

Zeffy makes money exclusively from optional tips from your donors

Trusted by over 50,000 nonprofit organizations

Friends of Rescue Animals has saved $1,700 in fees by fundraising on Zeffy.

Kids Cancer Care has saved $195,000 in fees by fundraising on Zeffy.

Kimball Camp YMCA has saved over $7,500 fundraising on Zeffy.

Nantucket Boys and Girls club has saved over $4,000 fundraising on Zeffy.

SPCALL saved $7,000 in transaction fees using Zeffy's fundraising platform

Outreach360 has saved over $6,000 in fees by switching from Classy to Zeffy.

Our solutions

Supporting your fundraising efforts from start to finish

Nonprofit Event Ticketing Software
Nonprofits Peer-to-peer campaigns
Nonprofit Event Ticketing Software
Peer-to-peer campaigns
Nonprofits Peer-to-peer campaigns
Nonprofit Donor Management Software
Raffles & lotteries
Nonprofit Memberships Management Software
Nonprofit Memberships Management Software
Nonprofits Peer-to-peer campaigns
Donor management
Nonprofit Event Ticketing Software

Sell more tickets for your next fundraising event with frictionless ticketing forms.

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Online Donation Platform for Nonprofits

Offer your website visitors an efficient and intuitive way to give to your cause.

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Nonprofits Peer-to-peer campaigns
Peer-to-peer campaigns

Make it easy for your community to participate in your fundraising efforts.

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Online Donation Platform for Nonprofits

Diversify your fundraising by opening on online store for your nonprofit.

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Volunteering Management Software
Raffles & lotteries

Easily launch a raffle with our numbered ticketing options.

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Nonprofit Memberships Management Software

Diversify your fundraising by inviting your donors to bid on items.

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Nonprofit Memberships Management Software

Make it easy for your supporters to register as a member to your cause.

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Nonprofit Donor Management Software
Donor management

Engage with the right donors at the right time with seamless donor management.

Learn more

Kudos from fundraisers like you

Zeffy is a dream solution for our fundraising.

“Working alongside the Zeffy team, we’ve had our two best fundraising years in our agency’s 60-year history! Our reps spent time getting to know our agency and its goals; it's obvious that they care about our success. As far as integrity goes, every promise Zeffy made has been delivered.”

Sarah Cassidy,
Corporate Services Coordinator
Easy to use and suits our needs!

“Prior to 2021, SAT was soliciting very few donations annually. With Zeffy's unique payout method that allows us to keep 100% of our donations, we started our very first annual fundraising campaign. Zeffy has been an essential partner in the success of our campaigns. In one year, we raised over $100,000 in donations!”

Jean-Philippe Alepins,
Director of Public and Private Finance
Zeffy allows us to collect 100% of our donations!

“Simple, intuitive and attractive. In a few clicks, we are able to customize our page to follow our organization’s brand. If we ever have trouble setting things up, it is so simple to get support! The staff is always helpful and provides regular follow up.”

Camille Nineuil,
We highly recommend Zeffy!

“We have been using Zeffy for some time now for donations and ticket sales for our benefit events. It's a simple and pleasant platform to use. Plus, the customer service is fast and courteous. We highly recommend it.”

Yves Gauthier,
Executive Assistant
We are truly under Zeffy's spell!

“Zeffy is really easy to use, while offering many features that really meet our needs. It's a lot of fun to use! Above all, it is completely free and without transaction fees. This allows our organization to better support our mission of promoting the well-being of young people.”

Joudie Dubois
Executive Director

Success stories

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