Trusted by over 50,000 nonprofit organizations
No you won’t! Zeffy is completely free for nonprofits - no platform fees, no credit card fees, no fees period! We've never charged a single cent to nonprofits and we never will. 100% of all payments you receive through Zeffy go directly to your nonprofit.
Zeffy relies entirely on optional tips from your donors. When making a payment on a Zeffy form, your donors can choose to contribute to Zeffy or not. On average, 2 out of 3 donors leave us a tip. This is enough to cover all our costs and re-invest in the development of Zeffy. Zeffy has been working with nonprofits for 7 years and, thanks to this 100% free model, currently supports 50,000 organizations across North America.
Donors are never forced to tip Zeffy. They can leave an optional tip if they want to support Zeffy. If they don't, the nonprofit still keeps 100% of the money raised.
Sell more tickets for your next fundraising event with frictionless ticketing forms.
Learn moreOffer your website visitors an efficient and intuitive way to give to your cause.
Learn moreMake it easy for your community to participate in your fundraising efforts.
Learn moreEngage with the right donors at the right time with seamless donor management.
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